CDER Headquarters Address, Email Address and Phone Numbers

Are you looking for CDER Headquarters Address, or Corporate Office location? You’re in the Right Place. This Article complete data approximately Citrix in New York City, United States. So, let’s have a look at it.

CDER Headquarters Email Address

CDER Headquarters Phone Number

If you need online customer service? If you need an emergency contact CDER Headquarters company Headquarters Phone number is the Best Solution.

  • Main FDA for general inquiries: 1-888-INFO-FDA  (1-888-463-6332​)
  • Drug Information: 301-796-3400​ (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time)

Also Read: FDA Headquarters Address

CDER Headquarters Company Details

General inquiries about drug products

Division of Drug Information
10001 New Hampshire Avenue
Hillandale Building, 4th Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20993

Mailing Addresses for New Drug Applications (NDAs) and Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs)

New Drug Applications (NDAs)
CDER Central Document Room:
FDA/Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Central Document Room (CDR)
5901-B Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD 20705-1266

Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs)
Office of Generic Drugs (HFD-600)
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
Central Document Room (CDR)
5901B Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD 20705-1266

Mailing Address for Therapeutic Biologic License Applications (BLAs)
CDER Central Document Room:
FDA/Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Central Document Room (CDR)
5901-B Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD 20705-1266

Mailing Addresses for Return of Adverse Event Reports to CDER

For voluntary reports from healthcare professionals and consumers:
MedWatch – Central Triage Unit
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20852-9787

For mandatory reports from regulated industry and IND reporters:
Central Document Room
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
5901-B Ammendale Rd.
Beltsville, MD 20705-1266

Source: CDER

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About the Author: Md Karim Khan